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Schultze, Bernard
born: 1915 Schneidemühl, Germany, died 2005 Köln, Germany

A pioneer of Art Informel in Germany, Bernard Schultze succeeded in the early 1950s in linking postwar German art with the international trends in gestural abstraction. To the iyricai abstractions of Wols, to Jean-Paul Riopelle's heavy spatula-applied impastos, and to the drips and swirls of Jackson Pollock's Action Painting, Schultze added an original version of expressive abstraction characterized by a balance between spontaneous gesture and continual control. Subsequently he began to build up the painting surface into high relief, expanding gesturai abstraction into three dimensions. In works such as Rubyrr, wire mesh, fabric, and sometimes tree branches were affixed to the canvas, then covered with a vibrant paint skin that fused them with the painting surface to create an organic unity. With time the sculptural elements became increasingly autonomous, prajecting out of the surface far into the surrounding space. This development led to Schultze's Migofs, free-standing configurations that partook of animal, plant, and human forms which evoked the incessant cycle of birth and decay to which all matter is subject. In such works a gestural idiom combined with Surrealist configurations to produce manneristic metamorphoses. Prepared by a series of limited-palette, grey-in-grey compositions of Old Masterly skill, Schultze began in the early 1980s ta create manifold and bizarre color spaces on largeformat canvases which seemed equally to mirror his own psyche and to represent a slice of the universal design. As in Magna mater, the artist marshalled the entire range of his painterly achievements to project a complex scenario of evocative forms, calling up associations with anything from mossy rot formations to light-flooded spaces.


 2006  „Bernard Schultze as a artist and human being“, for his 1st Day of Death, photographs by Tamara Voss, Zellermayer Galerie Berlin,
 2006  Museum am Dom, Würzburg,
 2005  „The 9. Dekade“, Zellermayer Galerie, Berlin,
 2005  „Migof Barock“ Bernard Schultze for his 90. birthday, Museum Ludwig, Cologne,
 2005  Saarland Museum – Moderne Galerie –, Saarbrücken,
 2005  „Dance of the Migofs“, Bernard Schultze for his 90. birthday, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung, Munich,
 2005  Kunstforum, Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg,
 2005  „Ein Blick zurück“, 1984 – 2004, Marburger Kunstverein,
 2004  „Barock and Informel“, Kunstverein Leverkusen,
 2004  „Krypta 182“, Kunstverein, Bergisch-Gladbach,
 2004  Kunsthalle Kiel,
 2003  Works from „Welt im Farbrausch“, Zellermayer Galerie Berlin,
 2003  Kunstverein Krefeld,
 2003  Ifa – Institut for Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart 
 2003  Travelling exhibition: Greece 2003, Macedonia 
 2002  „Welt im Farbrausch“, Staatliches Russisches Museum-Marmorpalast, Museum Ludwig im Russischen Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 
 2002  "Schultzes Farbtheater", Zellermayer Galerie, Berlin,
 2000  "Bernard Schultze – Innerer Monolog", Städelsches Kunstinstitut and Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt a. M.,
 2000  „Bernard Schultze: black and white – Works on paper and poems“, Folkwang Museum, Essen,
 2000  "Dreamworld", Zellermayer Galerie, Berlin,
 2000  „Neuenahr-Zyklus“, Museum Ludwig, Cologne,
 1998  "Bernard Schultze and the Romantic", Collection of Art in the Romantikerhaus, Jena,
 1997  "Paintings", Wäinö Aaltonen Art Museum, Turku, Finland 
 1996  "Arbeiten out of fifty Decades", Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum für Art and History, Schleswig,
 1995  Galleria Communale d'Arte Moderna, Bologna, I 
 1995  Deutsches Kulturinstitut - Goethe Institut, Bologna, I 
 1995  Museum for Bildende Künste, Budapest,
 1995  Centrum 'T Elzenveld, Antwerpen,
 1994  "Bernard Schultze - Das große Format", Museum Ludwig in the Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle, Cologne,
 1991  "Bernard Schultze – In the Labyrinth - Works of 1947 to 1990. Ölbilder, Migof-Objects, Works on paper", Gemäldegalerie Neue                 Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden,
 1991  Zellermayer Galerie, Berlin,
 1990  Fischer Fine Art, London, GB 
 1990  Galerie Wilbrand, Cologne,
 1990  Galleria Henze, Campione d'ltalia, CH 
 1989  Zellermayer Galerie, Berlin,
 1987  Resim Sergisi Mimer-Sinan Universitess, Istanbul, Turkey 
 1986  "Lovis-Corinth-Preis", Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg,
 1984  "Bernard Schultze - Papier-Arbeiten", Kunsthalle Tübingen; 
 1984  "Bernard Schultze Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn
 1983  Städtisches Museum Schloß Morsbroich, Leverkusen,
 1980  "Bernard Schultze - Zerbrochene Verstecke", Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg,
 1980  "Bernard Schultze - Im Labyrinth - Werke von Works of 1940-1980", Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf; 
 1980  Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt a.M.; 
 1980  Saarland-Museum, Moderne Galerie, Saarbrücken,
 1979  "Bernard Schultze - Ursula Schultze-Bluhm", Gesellschaft bildender Künstler Österreichs, Künstlerhaus Vienna,
 1979  Bochum; Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Kassel; 
 1979   Saarland Museum und Moderne Galerie, Saarbrücken,
 1978  "Bernard Schultze", Städtisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen,
 1974  „Fantastic Art“, Ursula and Bernard Schultze, Museum Boymans-van-Beuningen, Rotterdam, 
 1971  Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Paris,
 1971  Galerie Arcanes, Brussels,
 1971  Gallery Marc, Washington D. C., 
 1971  „Bernard Schultze 1960-1970“, Museum Bochum,
 1970  „About the work and the person Bernard Schultze - Sammlung Ströher", Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt,
 1969  Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels,
 1968  Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne,
 1967  London Arts Gallery, Detroit, 
 1961  "Phantastic Architecture Bernard Schultze/Louise Nevelson", Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden,


Literature of and over Bernard Schultze into the Germans' catalog national-library
Leipzig (formerly Deutsche Bücherei) 
Frankfurt am Main (formerly Deutsche Bibliothek) 

Tanz der Migofs - Bernard Schultze
Regensburg : Stiftung Kunstforum Ostdt. Galerie, 2005  
Bernard Schultze
Ostfildern-Ruit : Hatje Cantz, 2005  
Späte Bilder
Schultze, Bernard. - Köln : Wienand, 2004  
Glücklich die Stunde
Schultze, Bernard. - Stuttgart : Radius-Verlag, 2003  
Bernard Schultze
[Bad Breisig] : Palace Ed., 2002  
Stuttgart : Radius-Verl., 2000  
Bernard Schultze
Ostfildern : Quantum, 2000  
Bernard Schultze, schwarz weiss
Essen : Museum Folkwang, 2000  
Über Malerei
Schultze, Bernard. - Aachen : Rimbaud, 2000  
Bernard Schultze und die Romantik
Jena : Städtische Museen, 1998 
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