URZE BESCHREIBUNG DERLITHOGRAFIE Druckvorgang: Es sind farbige Abzüge möglich, allerdings benötigt man für jede Farbe einen besonderen Stein. |
description of the techniques of the
LITHOGRAPHThe drawing is being painted on a limestone slab with chalk which contains fat. The parts to be printed lateron are being prepared, so that they reject fat (mostly through the effect of acid). The drawing is washed off, only the fat background remains.Printing
process: -bis/to- The stone is being rolled in fat containing colour which sticks at the fatty parts and is being rejected by the moist parts of the stone. -bis/to- Print paper is being put on the stone. -bis/to- Pressure is being produced in the lithographic press. Coloured prints are possible to produce, however, one requires a special stone for each colour. |
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Ätzungen auf Kupferplatten für den Bei diesem Verfahren, das im Gegensatz zu den original-bis/to-graphischen |
HELIOGRAVUREProcedure to the production of etching on
copperplates for the At this procedure, the in contrast to the original-bis/to-graphic proceeds, how> copperplate or> etching, on photographic basis is founded, becomes a positive on chrome gelatine-bis/to-pigment-bis/to-paper copies. This pigmentopike becomes on a with melt asphalt-bis/to-dust overcast copperplate transfers, the subsequent according to the thickness of the at the washing out of emerging gelatine-bis/to-relief, differently is etched. |
exhibitions and exhibits of art
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