Uccelo, Paolo born about 1397 in Pratovecchio bei Arezzo - dead 10.12.1475 in Florenz

Italian painter was in Florence active. Of 1425 until 1430 in Venice, 1445 in Padua and of 1465 until 1468 in Urbino. Uccelo were co-founder of the renaissance-style in the painting. He was ardent solicitous about the perspective, with the he his strong moved, often too bold composition-ulnas methods grasp depiction bodily-spatial to looked for seizes. His pub-colors are of extensive-transparent type and wins into the match for are increasingly at brightness development.

 Uccello, that itself together with Giotto, Donatetello A. Manetti, and following Brunelleschi as founder of the Florentine art represented (about 1450, Paris, Louvre), his in the experienced rakes becomes appreciation first in the 20. Century (picture Georg).


Among other things frescos in the Chiostro Verde with S. Maria Novella, Florence: genesis (about 1430-35) and story Noah (about 1450?); horseman-picture of the Sir John Hawkwood, fresco (1436; Florence, cathedral); three panel paintings of the BATTEL OF SAN ROMANO (about 1456; Florence, Uffizien,). 


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