Abu Mohammed al Kasim ibn Ali Hariri (born in al-Maschan at Basra of 1054, dead 10.9.1122 in Basra) or simple Al= Hariri.

Abu Mohammed al Kasim ibn Ali Hariri al Kasim ibn` Ali of Arabic linguist and language-artist wrote 50 Makamen (episodes). This Makamen was a masterpiece of Arabic art-prose, in the he the amiable antics and literary virtuoso-scrap of a begging literate Aba Said out of Sarudsch tell.

 You were confessed into the west since 1656 through translations. Hariri wrote also a factory over the speech mistakes of the Educated and a teach poem over syntax. 


Kongeniale interpret translation of the Makamen of v.F.  RÜCKERT: The transformations of the Abu Said of Serug (1826, final 1837); E. DUMAS: Le héros the Maqamat de Hariri (Algier of 1917); E.CRUSSARD: En lisant Hariri (Tunis of 1923); D.S. MARGOLIOUTH and CH. PELLAT in: Enzyclopedia of Islam, ²3 (Leiden 1966), S.221f. Hans Terwege.


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